– Horse’s Mouth Studio specialises inpromos, commercials and online content.

Written by Howard & Max and directed by Dahlan this is exactly the kind of project Horse’s Mouth is designed to make. A brilliant initiative from Lewes FC to be the first club in the world to pay its women the same as its men. Shot in one evening with lovely frontman Dave Lamb eloquently putting the case, it generated stacks of free publicity and helped Lewes Women into the FA Women’s Championship.

Working with Leo Burnett, Joan shot this lovely film for Kellogg's in the wonderfully evocative Delta del Ebro. Through the honest and touching words of Manuel, a third generation rice farmer, it beautifully captures the heart and soul of the region and the warmth and passion of its inhabitants.

This is a nice example of how to use special occasions to make very different work for traditionally reticent clients. Written by Howard and directed by Ian Sciacaluga through Saatchi & Saatchi, this film picked up a Diploma at Kinsale and got him shortlisted for Best New Director at Cannes.

A series of three pre-rolls for Russian internet security company Kaspersky written by Howard and directed by Dahlan through mediatherapy. The idea was very simple – you know how to look after the stuff you value in the real world and we know how to look after it online, signed off with a killer line ‘Think about it. We do’. This campaign is the most successful video work ever run by Kaspersky in the US.

Show, don’t tell – the storyteller’s mantra. That mantra sings through this YouTube pre-roll directed by Harvey Eaton through M&C Saatchi Sport & Entertainment. Decathlon stock equipment for over seventy sports, shown, from the participants’ view, using one simple camera technique.

Shot by Joan with Albion (London). A good example of the budget being put on screen. A luxurious location shown through luxurious panning camera work. It all helps to set the tone for where FairFx want to be, where they're positioning themselves – even the media was luxury, airing as it did during the final few holes of the British Open. And then, this luxury moment is elegantly punctured – but why?

Joan’s breakout commercial for Canal+ through El Laboratorio. A beautiful concept stunningly delivered, he managed to give life to the spaces, to create characters. As Joan notes "I wanted to achieve a mix between Spike Jonze’s IKEA Lamp commercial and Noam Murro’s amazing VW Golf ad Night Drive." He did just that.

Written by Howard and directed by Dahlan through mediatherapy, the campaign used a range of connected devices – smartphones, laptops and tablets, cleverly incorporated into various visual metaphors each highlighting the benefits of using Kaspersky to protect your digital life.

Paul shot these sponsorship idents for Nintendo – a proper slice of family life with the brand at the heart of the story.